This hands-on course helps students to learn the details of robot programming. We will use Lego Mindstorms as the platform for prototyping. The lessons are mainly hands-on building and programming exercises where the students go through multiple robot based exercises. The course finishes with a capstone project involving complex motions and using multiple robot sensors for a mission. The educational focus is on learning Common Core and STEM principles through the interactive exercises. Please contact for information on pre-requisites.
Course duration: 20-25 hours
Students per session: 4
1. Introduction to Engineering Design and Methodology
2. Introduction to EV3 kit
3. EV3 development environment
4. Understaning the batteries, ports and menus
5. Precision in programming
6. Controlling the movement
7. Sensors ( Touch, ultrasonic, gyroscope, color)
8. Robot decision making
9. Rules of the system
10. Breaking down the problem
11. Capstone challenge