Omesh Tickoo
Thanks for visiting this page.  I manage the Computer Vision and Deep Learning Software group at Intel . A systems arhitect by training, my passion is converting data to actionalble knowledge on opimized systems. I also love to teach and tinker with technology in my spare time. I hope you enjoy browsing my home.
omesh @ tickoo . net

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching for me is a passion that has been a part of my adult life in one form or another. I enjoy working with young minds and experience the learningn process with them. Being an engineer by profession, I have comitted a part of my time to satisfy my inner teacher and teach kids the methods of thinking logically through programming and interactive exercises. I teach small batches of 2-4 childern in each class. The classes meet in person in Portland. This page lists the classes that are active currently. Please contact me for details on any of these. 

Quick Note: I get a lot of questions regarding the appropriate age for students to take these classes. While age is important to understand complex concepts, I believe that the journey to programing starts with logic and then one can use a programming language as a tool to develop skills. Therefore, I am intentionally not restricting the age on any of these classes. Each child is different and we can discuss the specific starting point for each student individually if needed.

Learning Logic for Kids
This course is meant to provide a fun learning environment for the kids to sharpen their logical thinking. The course uses real world examples and fun role playing exercises to help kids think about various logical concepts like operators, loops, conditions etc. The tools used include the material on logic as well as basic programming in Scratch. The aim of the course is to instill the foundations of logical thinking that should prove very useful in developing in any higher level programming language the kids may want to pursue in future.

Course duration: 10 hours

Students per session: 2

Lessons (not in order): 
- Sensors and sensing
- Logical Operators 
- Sorting 
- Loops
- Conditions
- Build a Scratch robot or a game of your choice
Contact for information.
Photo courtsey
Java for Beginners
This course is meant for absolute beginners to programming. We will use java to learn about objects, program flow, conditionals and loops. Students will get familiar with developing in eclipse. Focus is on using real world fun examples to slowly develop confidence and familiarity with the language. In the later classes, the students will be able to develop graphics applications like calculators and simple games like tic-tac-toe. Extensions to the course will focus on taking the help of Java libraries and building more complicated games and applications.

Course duration: 10-15 hours

Students per session: 2

1. Hello World
2. Eclipse 
3. Java classes
4. Java Building Blocks
5. Graphical applications
6. Handling Window event
7. Game applets
8. Exceptions and Error handling
9. Savings scores
10. Java libraries
11. Building a score tracking game

Contact for information.
Photo courtsey
Programming Robots with Lego MindStorms
This hands-on course helps students to learn the details of robot programming. We will use Lego Mindstorms as the platform for prototyping. The lessons are mainly hands-on building and programming exercises where the students go through multiple robot based exercises. The course finishes with a capstone project involving complex motions and using multiple robot sensors for a mission. The educational focus is on learning Common Core and STEM principles through the interactive exercises. Please contact for information on pre-requisites. 

Course duration: 20-25 hours

Students per session: 4

1. Introduction to Engineering Design and Methodology
2. Introduction to EV3 kit
3. EV3 development environment
4. Understaning the batteries, ports and menus
5. Precision in programming
6. Controlling the movement
7. Sensors ( Touch, ultrasonic, gyroscope, color)
8. Robot decision making
9. Rules of the system
10. Breaking down the problem
11. Capstone challenge

Contact for information.
Photo courtsey Lego (R)